Bring back the “Fab” to “DreamRider GT”

Bring back the “Fab” to “DreamRider GT”

December 7, 2015 0 By admin

Back in 2014 , We got this Aztec from Alabama ,USA.

The condition of the body kit was unbearable , fiber body was out of shape and expired.

It was sitting outdoor in Alabama for ages and then in our garage for another ages.

At the time , we still have no idea how to restore it… The first thing we did was looking back to its history , then we decide to bring this awesome kitcar back to life but not as the original Fiberfab but we decided to redo all body line correction and dimension correction , basically we decided to do all new prototype car base on this kit.

aztec2Once we got all materials we needed , we handcrafted this car and put on our design on it , to fit the 60’s race looks , lots of fiber work had been done , it sure costed us a lot of money.


aztec4 Many wasted of fund and materials since we really had no idea how to make it as simple as a person can build it in their own garage with all equipment and materials they could find or access easily around them , what we could do was try try and try… for the best result to ensure we can deliver this kitcar to customers and they can really build it!



Lot of new things concerned , stronger structure , aerodynamic , ventilation , impact support and the car structure support to integrate with Volkswagen type I chassis.


Lot of things not working and not function as good as they should , we have to redo – redesign – recreate – remake it again and again and again until they really functional and safe as daily driving car..



And now here she is our first Kitcar base on “Volkswagen Beetles Chassis” which everyone can build it in affordable price , a “DreamRider GT”